In many parts of Tamil Nadu there is shortage of power. So the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has decided to have a periodic and scheduled power cut in many parts of the state. But Chennai city and it's suburbs were spared from this to some extent. But last week TNEB decided to have a scheduled power cut in Chennai and its suburbs. This is a good thing because the public are informed well in advance about the periodic power cut which is done daily for sometime. The sad part of this is the discrimination made against the city and the suburbs region. In city the power cut will be for one hour but in suburbs the power cut will be there for two hours.
Why there is discrimination in providing power supply when all of us pay the same charge?
According to Indian Constitution all citizens have equal rights, then why there is discrimination in providing power based on the region?
All should be treated equally, if there is a power cut for two hours in suburbs then city should also have the same time period. I hope the government will take correct actions for this.
1 comment:
You know what!!! Powercut in cities here after is for 1.5hrs.. For xuburbs, its 3hrs and for us, who are part of moffusil, its 5hrs.. Now, what do you say for that!!!
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